At Stag Liuzza, our lawyers are pioneers in the field of radiation exposure litigation.

For over two decades, we have represented oilfield pipeyard workers and truck drivers who cleaned, handled, and transported used oilfield pipe contaminated with radioactive scale, commonly referred to as Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) or Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM).
Pipeyards in Louisiana and elsewhere conducted oilfield pipe scale cleaning operations. These operations generated significant amounts of radioactive airborne dust concentrations and surface buildup on the ground. The workers were exposed to ionizing radiation by breathing and ingesting the scale dust that was released into the air, and by external exposure to the scale inside the pipe and on the ground. These exposures occurred while cleaning, inspecting, transporting and handling used production oilfield pipe, or carrying out other work in the pipeyards. Family members of workers were also exposed in the pipeyards while picking up, dropping off, or visiting their husbands/fathers.
Stag Liuzza built a reputation in environmental law for the type and scope of environmental matters we handle on a day-to-day basis, the complexity of that work, and our success in achieving the goals of our clients.
There are two main concerns that accompany exposure to ionizing radiation. One is the formation of genetic defects and the second is the induction and promotion of various cancers, including lung cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and other types of cancer. The dangers of TENORM exposure were known by the oil companies long before they were made public. Today, the link between radiation exposure and disease is common knowledge. Our lawyers are dedicated to helping you fight back against corporations that withheld information and took risks with your health.
If you have been harmed by exposure to TENORM or other hazardous materials, you have legal rights, and our lawyers can help. With our decades of experience in radiation litigation, Stag Liuzza can help you receive the compensation you need. We know the seriousness of the circumstances that you and your family are facing, and we are here to help. Please contact us today to learn more.
OUR team
We prefer doing to talking (except in court), We take the bull by the horns and give you clear and practical advice. Personal, to the point, and in plain language. Any questions? Feel free to call or to drop by.
$1.056 billion verdict against Exxon Mobil
$1.056 billion verdict against Exxon Mobil
Stag Liuzza fights industry giants across the country and holds them accountable for their actions. We strive to ensure that communities have access to safe drinking water, clean air, and a healthy environment.
- One Canal Place 365 Canal Street Suite 2850 New Orleans, LA 70130
- 504-593-9600
stagliuzza.com is operated and provided by Stag Liuzza, LLC responsible attorneys Michael G. Stag and Ashley M. Liuzza. Stag Liuzza, LLC is officed in New Orleans, LA, and our attorneys are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Nothing on this site should be taken to establish an attorney-client relationship with us unless and until a contract for representation is signed. The attorneys of Stag Liuzza are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi and may associate counsel licensed in other jurisdictions as necessary.
Past results do not guarantee any similar result or outcome in your claim. Each claim is different.